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Bedtime Stories 3

Posted on Wed Jul 15, 2015 @ 3:55pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Kennings

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: All this has happened before...
Location: Kansas, United States of America, Earth
Timeline: Years in the Future

Darla had two plates in front of her. On one had been stack of pancakes that was almost as high off the table as she was, sausage, and bacon. On the other plate was a large pile of fruit slices and berries. She had been dutifully working her way through them, making sure to eat some fruit every time she had a bite of pancakes, like her mother taught her.

"Mommy," she said around a mouthful, "would you pass the sausage please?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, and finish what's on your plate, Darla," Cass said, going over notes for her next lecture.

"Granger's still hungry," Darla said.

Cass looked at her through narrowed eyes. "Why is it, when 'Granger' is hungry, it's your tummy I hear rumbling?" she gave her daughter a poke in the belly, making the girl squeal and giggle.

Granger, for his part, leaped onto the chair next to Darla and stood up, front paws on the table, looking at Cassandra expectantly. Cass sighed and pulled the plate over with the last two sausages, leaving them in front of him. She couldn't resist when he made that 'please' face.

As the cat daintily ate his meal, Cassandra went back to her notes, but Darla went back to thinking. "What's a 'Sultan'?" she said.

Cass looked over and smiled. "I thought you'd fallen asleep by that point."

Darla shook her head, rainbow-colored hair flying. "No, I was just resting my eyes," she said.

Cass put down her padd and turned to face her daughter. "He's like a king. He has a kingdom and he rules very strictly."

"And he had the bad men take you from your ship?" Darla said.

"Something like that," Cass said.

"Why?" Darla said. Such a simple question, but always such a complex answer.

"Well...." Cass said slowly, "it's complicated...."

"Wives?" Karadee said, sinking below the surface of the water more in fear. "I cannot be a wife, I have not even had my falwar ceremony yet!"

Cassandra wasn't sure what that was, but at that moment it didn't matter. She sat on the edge of the bath and used the sponge provided to clean the girl off. "You aren't going to be anyone's wife just yet," Cassandra said. "I will keep you safe as best I can. For the time being, keep yourself out of sight as best you can, do what you're told and have faith."

"I know you will protect me," Karadee said calmly. "Your powers are greater than theirs, that much is certain."

"Yes, well," Cassandra cleared her throat. "It is probably best not to mention that just yet. We don't wish to make the Sultan act rashly out of fear."

Karadee nodded. "Yes, Eminence."

Cass blinked in surprise. "What did you say?"

Karadee turned around in equal surprise. "That is how to address a Warrior of Light, yes?"

*Oh dear,* Cass thought. "You may call me, Cassandra," she said.

"Y..your name?" Karadee said. "I can address a goddess by her name?"

Before Cassandra could respond, the door opened again and the guard walked in.

Cassandra and Karadee immediately covered themselves. "How dare you enter without permission," Cassandra said.

"I am your attendant, I will enter as I am ordered," he said, evenly. "My lord demands your presence."

"Very well," Cassandra said. "You will wait outside while we dress. We will be with you in a moment."

The guard bowed and stepped outside again. *Interesting,* Cassandra thought. *He'll obey us as well.*

The women quickly dried themselves and put on the gowns they'd been provided. Cassandra assumed it was something either status-based, or simply the Sultan's personal preference. Hers fit reasonably well, although Karadee's was somewhat large for her. They stepped outside and the guard looked them over before resting his eyes on Karadee. "I will find you better clothes later," he said.

Karadee nodded, and she and Cassandra followed him down a maze of corridors towards the Sultan's greeting hall, and their fate.


"What was he like?" Darla said, wide-eyed. "Was he scary? Was he 100 meters tall? Did he breathe fire? Did he--"

"Unfortunately we have to get going or you're going to be late for school," Cassandra said. "I'll continue the story later." She pulled Darla out of her chair and gave her a gentle swat on the backside, propelling her down the hallway towards the restroom to wash up.


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