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What to do with a spy

Posted on Wed Oct 11, 2017 @ 10:49pm by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit & Lieutenant Commander Miguel Torres & Lieutenant Cassandra Kennings & Lieutenant Nicole Anderson & Lieutenant Arashi Tanaka Mr. & Senior Chief Petty Officer Samantha Summers

2,988 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Silence
Location: USS Victory- Brig

Security Office - Brig

Of the three Romulan sleeper agents who had attempted to assasinate Captain Kennit, only one remained among the living. And he was fairly well battered, with bruises darkening on his face as he sat in manacles, secured to a chair set before an interrogation table within a very secure cell inside the ship's Brig.

Sub-Commander S'Tokk D'varo was remarkably calm considering the circumstances. The battle which had quite obviously taken place seemed to have come to conclusion. He could only assume the Federation ship had either fled or defeated its unknown opponent since they were still here. Though he was willing to acknowledge that with the extremely limited information available, he had not real data on which to base his conclusions.

It was of no import. All he wished to know was whether or not the attack had been successful. Had they succeeded where others had failed and at last killed the Federation assassin and spy who was responsible for the deaths of Romulan warriors, who had stolen Romulan military secrets, and who was suspected of being responsible for the death of Commander Hana'j Jorek, son of Senator S'Tev Jorek. It was the Senator Jorek who had authorized the Tal Shiar order to kill.

So long as they had not failed, he would face execution knowing his honor and that of his family House remained intact.

Hunter had taken the time to slip off the bridge and come down to the brig. The ship was still reeling from the attack that had left it crippled as it struggled to deal with both wounded crew and crippled systems. Not the least of the wounded being Captain Kennit. Glancing at the security stationed outside the door,he snapped, "Open the door, let me see what we caught." His voice cold and hard. Entering he looked at the manacled prisoner. Though he was seething with anger, Alec kept his voice even as he dragged a chair across the floor to sit on the other side of the table. "So, what do I call you?"

Gazing across the table at the Federation vessel's First Officer, the prisoner didn't speak. He just smiled, just a little.

"I'm glad you find this entertaining." while Alec wanted to strangle the prisoner, such delightful thoughts had to be put on hold until he got some information. Looking at the prisoner he started again, "Obviously you aren't Vulcan but Romulan and I'm guessing a member of the Tal Shiar. How am I doing."

"You waste your time fvai." The prisoner answered. "I have nothing to say to you."

Alec nodded. "That's fine. I like wasting my time because I have plenty to say to you. Your assassination attempt failed. Utterly and completely. What do you think of that?"

The prisoner studied him for a long moment, noting the flush to Hunters skin. The look in his eyes, dilation of pupils, the tense set of his body posture...and laughed. After a moment, the Romulan said "You are a bad liar Commander. Unlike the murderous bitch you serve. You fear she will not survive. Good!"

Alec nodded continuing to look directly at the prisoner. "Interesting theory. And here I thought I was a good liar; people always tell me I have a good poker face. Don't you think I have a poker face? Maybe they're the bad liars like yourself."

"Tell yourself whatever you must to bolster against your fear," came the mocking reply.

"Oh wow. That's good. Here you are acting so calm and cool as a cucumber. It's a good act but see, I know it's an act deep down you know you screwed up and failed and everyone is going to know you failed, your friends if you have any and mostly your family. I wonder if the Tal Shiar will be so understanding of your failure when they deal with your family. What do you think?" Alec pressed for a reaction.

Impassive, the prisoner replied. "I have no family, thanks to those like your murderous Captain and yourself. The souls of those whose lives were cut short can at last rest because that bitch will die. Make no mistake on it. If not by my hand, then by another who will come after me."

Alec sat back in his chair, his eyes never leaving the prisoner. "Bold words, but they're only words. Furthermore, not by your hand. You had your chance and not by anyone else either for that matter."

The prisoner laughed without humor again. “Then you had best see yourself out. It would seem we have nothing more to discuss.”

The doors opened and Dr. Anderson walked in, a standard medical case in one gloved hand. She reached under her uniform top behind her and pulled out her neural disruptor, firing at the prisoner, leaving him slumped back in his seat, his eyes staring at her in confusion and murderous rage. She looked at the weapon as if appreciating it for the first time, and tucked it back under her uniform top. "Hello, Commander," she said turning to Hunter. "I thought you would appreciate an update on the Captain before I tend to the prisoner."

Alec managed to keep his mouth from dropping open in surprise and shock at the CMO's action. Recovering quickly, he composed himself and saved himself the embarrassment of saying something hasty or in more likelihood nasty. Instead he managed to croak out a reply. "Yes Doctor, if you please." Ignoring the stunned prisoner's murderous gaze.

"Commander," she said with slow and deliberate exaggerated formality, "regulations clearly state that a wounded prisoner will receive prompt and private medical attention by a qualified professional. Given that I am the senior medical officer on board, I feel it's my duty to ensure his safety." She turned her back on the prisoner as if shielding him from Hunter, and once her face was obscured, she gave one small wink.

Alec blinked. He was thankful Nicole was blocking the prisoner from seeing him and his surprise at her wink. * Maybe you aren't the worst thing after all.* He thought to himself as he kept his voice even. "Of course Doctor. Far be it for me to stand in the way of you performing your medical duty.''

"I'm pleased to say that the Captain is recovering steadily and will be returning to duty after some rest," the doctor said. "Now, if you will permit me, Commander?"

"That is most welcome news. Thank you for letting me know." The relief evident in his voice and making a silent promise that when this was all over to buy a Nicole a drink or two.

"You're welcome, Commander," she said. "Now, I must insist you vacate the room. I don't think my patient will feel comfortable being examined with you here."

"Of course Doctor." Alec replied rising from his chair and moving towards the door. He stopped just short of it, turning to look back at her. "Do keep him alive Doctor at least for a little longer. Don't want him dying on us ..... yet."

"Commander," the Doctor said, clucking her tongue in distaste. "Why don't you go to Sickbay and look in on the Captain. I'm sure she'd appreciate it."

Now Alec was surprised. He expected Nicole to have all but banned him from Sickbay. He inclined his head giving it a short bow. "Thank you Doctor. I believe I will do just that." Gratitude evident in his voice. "Oh, there's a security guard right outside should you need him," Alec added as he reached and opened the door stepping into the corridor. Next stop Sickbay!

As the doors closed behind him and they were alone, Anderson reached into a pocket, pulling out a gold compact. She flipped it open and looked into it for a moment, then put it away and smiled down at the prisoner. "Uf tor du zherka-olau? (How are you feeling?) She pulled out the tricorder from the medcase and flipped it open.

“Speak your crass Federation tongue.” S’Tokk said with a sneer. “Your accent is brutal and your attempt at my language is an assault to my ears.”

"Well I was trying to be friendly," the doctor said. "Vulcanoid languages aren't something I have much experience with." She opened her medkit and pulled out a hypospray, programming it and pressing it to the Romulan's neck. "That should help with the pain," she said and waited as the creases on his brow eased somewhat as the pain reliever kicked in. "There, that's better, hm?" She then pulled out a bottle containing a familiar blue liquid. "However, I am very familiar with the healing properties of Romulan Ale." She pulled out two glasses and poured each of them a few fingers worth, then slid a glass to his bound hands. She reached around and pulled the other chair over towards her and sat down near him, but out of reach of his hands and sipped her glass.


As the doors to Sickbay opened, Maggie glanced up, did a quick double take and walked over. "Commander," she said, greeting the XO with a polite smile. "Doctor Anderson said you'd be up. She's waiting for you in her office."

Alec returned the smile, "She was right." Confusion played across his face as he stopped and looked at Maggie, "In her office?" He questioned. "Not in a biobed?"

"She's tired, but not quite that tired," Maggie said, leading Hunter across the still-crowded Sickbay. She stopped in front of the CMO's office and knocked on the door frame. "Commander Hunter's here, Ma'am," she said.

Nicole looked up from her terminal and nodded. "Commander," she said. "I'm sorry the Captain isn't ready for visitors yet. She's still rather weak."

Alec stared stupidly at Nicole for an instant before he tapped his combadge, "Hunter to Security! Detain the CMO! It's an imposter! Do not let her or the prisoner out of the brig! I'm on my way back to the brig!"

He rushed for the door. "Sorry Doctor! You seem to be in two places at the same time!"

Nicole leaped over her table and rushed with inhuman speed to the door of her office, grabbing the XO by the arm. "Hang on!" she said, digging her heels in and using her superior strength to stop him cold. "Anderson to Security: belay that; all clear." She tapped her badge and closed the channel.

"You're half right," Nicole said in response to Hunter's panicked look. "There's an impostor, but she's one of ours." She pointed at her terminal and walked over and swung it around so he could see. "The prisoner's vitals. He just got a healthy dose of a nice little cocktail I whipped up and should feel great in a moment. I'm guessing you provided enough bad cop for him to snark at, and now a kind, caring, nurturing soul will see if she can pry some information out of him. Since he's been on board, I assume he knows who our counselor is, so she's in there incognito." She folded her arms and smirked, leaning back against her desk. "And if he's lucky, he'll talk fast before that cocktail wears off."

Alec stood there. he didn't know if he should be mad or relieved at the doctor's deception. Finally he sighed and shook his head, "Cassandra." His voice holding a note of respect and admiration. "Nicely done Doctor. I applaud you. You'd make a good spy." He shook his head. "I don't know if I was bad or not. I do know I wanted to strangle him." He looked around, suddenly feeling very out of place. "I ah, should go. I don't want to take anymore of your time. But I confess more than a passing interest in hearing what our prisoner has to say."

Nicole held up a finger and tapped a button on her terminal, opening up an audio and video feed.

Security Office - Brig

"I'm sorry your attack failed," she said. "There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to fulfill your duty."

S’Tokk said nothing. This one was not of interest. Taunting the First Officer was one thing. Answering the questions of the ship’s Doctor was not.

"I've been wondering how long it would take," the Doctor said. "I lost a bet over you though. I thought it would be a Klingon assassin that would go after her first." She sat down with her glass of ale and put her feet on the table, taking another long sip. "Then again, they have that pesky 'code of honor' to deal with." She snorted and took another sip. "At least they can kill someone." She barked a laugh and nudged him with her elbow. "So what was your reason, hm? That's another thing that Klingons don't need. They'll kill for the fun of it."

She nudged the Romulan again. "So what was it? Revenge? Avenging? She skip out on a bill? What lofty mission did the Praetor send you on?"

S’Tokk merely gazed at her, a smirk on his face. He was well trained, and knew what this Federation amton’wi kha nvaihr was attempting to do. He was not fooled. And her comment regarding the Klingons only confirmed his opinion, after all...he knew well Kennit had close ties to the Klingons, no surprise there. Klingons were savages. Like the Federation bitch...

"No, no, no, hang on," the Doctor said, idly waving her glass of ale at him as if to cut off his non-existent words. "The Praetor would have called on the Family of the Blade. Now they know how to infiltrate. You are, and I'm just assuming here, good old-fashioned Tal Shiar, yes?"

When he didn't answer but continued to smirk, she continued. "So, one of their assassins, not good enough for the Blade, but good enough to put on an assignment. So...let's see...who in the Senate would bother risking everything. Someone who lost something important. A family member?" She watched him carefully over the top of her glass as she took a sip. "As I recall, in the last couple of decades, no fewer than sixteen senators lost loved ones, but that are connected to the Captain? I'm guessing Senators T'val, Jorek, or--" she paused as his eye twitched. "Jorek's son is why you're here, hm?" Well, I see why you bothered with bullets. Poetic justice."

She took his glass back and held it up. "Are you sure?" when he continued to just sit and smirk she shrugged and downed it, setting the glass away from him.

"Oh and before that smirk of yours warps your face permanently, I should inform you that the poison that was on those bullets was neutralized as soon as it entered her body." She laughed, shook her head and poured herself another snort, the bottle almost empty. "I tried to poison her the first day I got here. Can't wait with these kinds of things. Those damn augmentations of hers. Poison is completely useless on her."

She shrugged and sat back, smiling serenely at him now. "The poison you were injected with, however, is quite effective. You've probably noticed it's feeling rather warm in here. That's why you're sweating." She pointed to his forehead, where beads of sweat were beginning to reach the top of his nose. "And it looks like your skin is beginning to react." She gestured to his forearm where a sore was beginning to form just past his torn sleeve. "Don't worry, though; the pain in your stomach won't really get much worse for at least another 10 minutes or so."

She took another sip. "Should have taken the antidote when it was offered." She winked and downed the glass, pouring out one more.

The Romulan showed no reaction to her words. He had prepared himself for the likelihood of death before accepting this assignment. He would be betray his people, nor would the Federation learn the extent of the Star Empire’s reach into this quadrant from his lips. If he was to die of poison, so be it.

"It's an amazing blend," the Doctor said, half to herself. "It's derived from a serum secreted by a lizard on Ordina Prime. The creatures bite their prey, inject them, then swallow them whole. The serum digests the prey from the inside for the lizard, since its stomach doesn't have the usual digestive enzymes. Pretty nasty overall." She gave a shudder. "But, when combined with a series of protein-binders, it slows the absorption rate and the body decays over weeks, rather than hours." She gave a very nasty smile as his smirk was replaced by a look of pain and concentration as he immediately tried to hide it. "Have the cramps begun?"

Decision made in a single moment, S’Tokk knew he would not be used as a plaything by this Federation ryak’na.. His hands, though bound in cuffs were still free enough to gently pull the micro needle from its hidden holding place in the clasp of his Federation issue trousers.

Tipped with a powerful toxin, he looked at her then. His eyes full of contempt, without speaking S’tokk chose to deny the enemy their prisoner. They would learn nothing from him, he would take his knowledge with him into the next ... the toxin had no antidote, there would be no revival, no resisitation..

Deftly he jabbed the needle tip into the skin at his wrist, body heat trniggered the injection and within the span of three breathes... a sense of peace and complete calm came over his thoughts. S’Tokk spoke then, one last taunt to his tormentor....

“Urdu Areinnye..”

Eyes rolling back in his head, he was dead.



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