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Crew Awards

Posted on Thu Oct 12, 2017 @ 11:09pm by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit

Good evening!

I think I have covered everyone who took active part in the recent mission. If I missed you, just ping me. It’s just me being tired and goofing up. I spent most of this evening first in a waiting room while my blasted car got worked on again, then driving to pick up my daughter from an evening class on campus. I’m seriously tired at this point but wanted to make sure I got this out..

Captain R. Katrijn Kennit


Crew Awards

The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to Senior Chief Petty Officer Samantha Summers for her actions in helping to prevent the assassination of Captain R. Katrijn Kennit by Romulan assassins.

Ensign Arashi Tanaka is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant JG.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Lt. JG Arashi Tanaka for his efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Purple Heart medal is awarded to Lt. JG Arashi Tanaka for sustaining injuries in the defense of his ship and crewmates.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Lt. Cassandra Sanders for her efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Lt. Nicole Anderson for her efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to Lt. Nicole Anderson for her actions in helping to prevent the assassination of Captain R. Katrijn Kennit by Romulan assassins.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Lt. Penelope Naroot for her efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Major Abbott Prime for his efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Commander Alec Hunter for his efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.

The Distinguished Combat Service Cross is awarded to Lt. Commander Miguel Torres for his efforts in battling a hostile alien boarding party.


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Comments (1)

by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit on Thu Oct 12, 2017 @ 11:12pm

Side note: if you are unsure how to see your Awards, on your character bio page beneath the avatar photo image is a link to view your awards.