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Tue Dec 31, 2024 @ 11:45pm

Lieutenant JG Ardal King

Name Ardal Mahon King

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species al'hmatti
Age 42
Homeworld al'Hmatti (Klingon Space)

Physical Appearance

Height 6'10
Weight 1200lbs
Hair Color Reddish Brown Fur
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Tall with broad shoulders. He has reddish brown fur covering his body. He looks like an anthropomorphic bear, as if a bear evolved into a humanoid form. He has teeth and claws. His people evolved to be Warriors and Minors. His claws a sharp enough and durable enough that he can carve stones and minerals out of the hardest stone. He doesn't wear boots and has claws on his hands and feet.


Spouse Undisclosed
Children None Currently (If someone wanted to play the same species, we could add some.)
Father Deceased
Mother Undisclosed
Brother(s) Several - Undisclosed
Sister(s) Several - Undisclosed.
Other Family Several Romantic Partners
His Brothers and Sister in Starfleet.

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is quiet and always reviewing his behavior. He has been accused of being anti social.

He will talk to anyone and everyone. However, he doesn't like it when people are bigoted towards his species.

He is apprehensive about shaking hands with other humanoid. It takes him longer to shake hands. He wants to make sure his claws don't hurt them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses He has evolved to work in some of the harshest mining conditions. His race is used to being strong in a place that would kill most humanoids within a few hours. While in a clean environment, he appears to have true superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, endurance, durability and regeneration.

He muscle mass makes him naturally stronger and more durable.
If he was on his home planet or a similarly harsh environment, he would have about twice normal human strength, speed, agility, stamina, endurance, and regeneration.
In a clean environment, his strength, stamina, endurance, and regeneration are about 5 times human normal. He trained with warriors and priests from other races, so he can use most of this.

Because of his regeneration, his metabolism is much higher. He has to eat a lot more food than a human. Triple portion at breakfast and lunch and a double portion at dinner. He also eats protein bars and the occasional double portion 4th meal, depending on his exertion.

He runs faster on all fours than he does on two legs. His uniform has been designed in case he has to run.

While he does have a higher degree of self control due to training, he does have the baser instincts of an animal. This can cause him to be short with people. In battle, he has the potential of losing his temper. Only a hand full of people can get through to him and get him to calm down naturally.

He had the foresight to have a Starfleet Betazoid Empath Counselor and a Vulcan Neuroscientist help with with inputting a command phrase. "The day is getting long and the sun low." His Commanding Officer is given this information so that if he goes berserk, they can bring him back down. It doesn't put him to sleep, but it does calm him dramatically.

Because of his training, this problem has been reduced over the past few years. In the beginning of his Starfleet Career, this caused him issues in his career, particularly in the May to July time frame. It is connected to his breeding cycle as well as high yield combat situations. Normally, he takes extra time during his off time in the gym. In the spring, he doubles his work out regime. It has been 2 years since his last episode.

He always holds himself to a higher standard. He is always pushing himself to be better.

Because of his species/culture and the family he grew up in, he has an understanding of geology, seismology, vulcanology, and mineralogy.
Ambitions To be the first al'Hmatti Starship Captain for Starfleet.
To spar and train with every Warrior Race in the known Universe.
To retire and open up a martial arts school or be left alone doing science. He hasn't decided yet.
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, History, Cultural Anthropology, Religions of the Universe, and Warrior Societies.

He holds Multiple Degrees in Sciences.

Personal History In 2269, his race was misidentified and called Ursinoid when they were really al'Hmatti from the planet in the Klingon Empire called al'Hmatti, which the Klingons call it taD. Officially, they were a conquered species. They are one of the few conquered species that Klingons respect in battle.

Ardal was born on a Mining Planet called Motherlode. His father was in charge of fulfilling contracts for Starfleet. was 14 years old when his father took him to a mining facility on the edge of the Neutral Zone with the Starfleet Acquisitions Specialist. al'Hmatti (Ursinoids) were going to take over the mining operations.

The mining facility was raided. Many of the Starfleet Personnel and al'Hmatti killed by Romulans. They were going to hold the Acquisitions Specialist Hostage and ransom him. Ardal's father wasn't able to come up with a plan to save them. Ardal got into the security system, patching it to the mining equipment, creating a distraction. From there his father and the Acquisitions Officer was able to come up with a plan. Ardal was 14 years old and fighting beside Starfleet Security Forces. They managed to secure the base. Ardal was offered a chance to take the Starfleet Entrance exam. He passed the exam and just had to wait on transport to Earth and the next year to start. By the time everything iined up, he was 17 year old Ursinoid standing in San Francisco. They made an exception for entry because he wouldn't be 18 until a month after the semester started.

He initially had his major as Geology and Mineralogy. He discovered that because of where he grew up, it wasn't a challenge. He got permission to change his major to Anthropology. He continued to do the course work for Geology and Mineralogy. Because the instructors wanted to pick the brain of an Ursinoid, they allowed him to come in after classes and do his labs.
In July of 2371 an incident a bar during while a group of Klingons were visiting Starfleet Academy led to him sitting down with multiple doctors from Starfleet Medical. He was having a conversation with a Klingon female. She had stated she was interested in him, he offended her by saying she wasn't strong enough. She hit him, he stood up, and 3 Klingon Males stood up, one of them referring to his as jeghpu'wI'. It ended up being a 4 on 1 fight. She did more damage to him than the 3 males did. He spent a year with Starfleet Medical, so they could run tests on him and find his limitations. This delayed his graduation. They came up with the plan of neural programming and the extensive exercise program.

During the Dominion War, they made use of this species trait. They made use of him being able to go berserk. This got him commendations. After the war, he had to gain control himself very quickly or lose his Starfleet Commission. What is acceptable in War, isn't acceptable in everyday Starfleet Career.
Service Record 2367 - Entered Starfleet Academy
2371 - Stuck at Starfleet Medical after an incident (He got to increase his course load because Starfleet Medical had never seen an al'Hmatti/Ursinoid in a Clean Environment.)
2373 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
Major Xenoanthropology and Exoarcheology (Specializing in Warrior Cultures)
Major Security and Tactical Sciences, Procedures, and Systems
Minor Geology and Mineralogy
Minor Political Sciences
Minor Criminal Justice and Investigation
Minor Secondary Security and Tactical Equipment and Systems
Minor Detainment Equipment, Systems, and Procedures
Minor Operations Procedures and Systems

Certified First Responder, EMT, RRT, LRP, SRT, and Brig.
Certified and experienced on multiple types of shuttlepad and flight systems.
Certified Tactical Officer

2373 - During the Outbreak of the Dominion War, he did a 2 year tour with an elite entry unit that did ground infiltration and recon. He almost left Starfleet to go assist with the War on al'Hmatti and their Freedom (Peace was found in 2376)

2376 - Recommended for Advanced Tactical Training

2377 - Assigned to Security on a Space Station

2380 - Assigned to Security on a Starship

2382 - Recruited by SFI to be on an UC Infiltration team. Assisting in bringing down a Smuggling network which was providing Funding for a Terror Network. Released from SFI back to Starfleet Security.

2382 - Assigned Assistant Chief of Security on a Paladin Class Ship

2388 - Promoted and Reassigned to USS Altai

2388 - Demoted and Reassigned to Starfleet Security. Demotion rejected after investigation because the Altai Captain had Arkoudaphobia. Maintained Rank of Lieutenant.

2388 - Assigned to the USS Hope

Returned to Starfleet to get PHDs in Differenct Sciences

Reassigned to USS Victory