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Septum Semp Rhea

Posted on Thu Feb 27, 2014 @ 9:53pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson & Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit

597 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Whole New World, Part 2 - Durbatuluk
Location: Sickbay

Kennit was still trying to get over the sheer shock of having the ship's Chief Medical Officer somersault over her head when the transporter beam caught hold and she found herself now in sickbay, on a bio bed.. with a gaggle of surprised nurses all staring at her with wide eyes.

"Rhodes!" Nicole barked, "grab a kit, report to the brig. Atar, I need a Derm-Reg and a C-Knit, stat!" She then eyed the rest of her staff. "If you need more work--" they scrambled before she could finish her threat.

She placed her bag on a tray by the biobed and reached in again, pulling out a tricorder and flipping it open. She scanned Rhea's nose briefly and exchanged her tricorder for her hypospray, giving the Captain another dose of painkiller before gently feeling her nose. "Care to explain?" she said, her voice deceptively conversational.

"Not a damn clue. We came out of the conference room, two crewmen were fighting...and now here I am," the Captain answered.

"Ah, I see," Nicole said, taking instruments from her nurse and carefully running them over the Captain's nose. "So you saw a fistfight and decided to intervene by breaking one of their fists with your nose. Makes sense." She clucked her tongue in disapproval and once the damage was repaired she removed the last traces of bruising. "Take a breath and tell me how you feel."

Giving the Doctor a baleful stare, the Captain answered "Like I had my nose broken."

"Well I'll assume the return of your sense of humor means you're not in pain anymore," Nicole said dryly. She gently touched the Captain's nose and around her face. "Any pain here?" she said, pressing along her sinus cavity.

Katrijn flinched. "It doesn't feel good..." was her only comment, clearly the Captain was feeling rather surly.

"To be honest," Nicole grumbled, "I'm surprised a fight hasn't broken out sooner. I've had people in and out of here for two days now with minor injuries, all because someone's gotten a bit over aggressive, or rushed into something too fast. Our 'guests' are going to drive us all staroket."

"If that means "stark raving nuts"...I agree..." the Captain answered. "I wasn't aware of the other injuries...none of the daily reports mention it."

"They've been listed under 'workplace incidents,' Nicole said. "I didn't see a need to bring them any major attention."

"If there are more incidents I want to know about it, even if a formal report isn't necessary." the Captain said.

"Yes Ma'am," Nicole said, rubbing her temples. "When I served on the Ommadawn we had to help a downed Klingon ship. I went over there to set up triage wards and get a few dozen 'Honored Warriors of the Empire' back on their feet. I feel more stressed now dealing with minor sprains and bumps than I did handling surly Klingons."

"I'd rather deal with surly Klingons than our current guests..." the Captain muttered half under her breath.

"Likewise," Nicole said, equally quiet. She made a few notes in a padd and set it down. "You're fit to return to duty, Captain," she said. "May Providence be kind to you."

Rising gracefully from the exam table, the Captain pressed a gentle hand to her nose and then nodded. "Thank you's hoping we all get a break from these...unfortunate instances soon."

Nicole nodded and watched the Captain leave. "Hopefully our breaks won't involve our nose," she said.

Rhea Katrijn Kennit
USS Victory

Nicole Anderson
USS Victory


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