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The Blue and the Grey (Backpost)

Posted on Thu Apr 6, 2017 @ 10:32pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson

544 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Silence

Varl strode through the corridors, irritated in the extreme, but refusing to allow something as inconsequential as irritation to show.

Medical, I hate medicals. I am trained to breach enemy compounds rather then be prodded with a tricorder or whatever they use now.

He stopped outside the door and took a moment to adjusting his faultless uniform, brushing some faint dust from the sleeve and stepped through. Once inside the admittedly appealing med bay he quickly found the doctor and came to faultless attention before her. "Doctor Anderson, I am reporting as you requested."

"Ordered," Nicole corrected. "I didn't request it, I ordered it, and you knew that, which is why you're reporting with extra starch in your shorts."

She turned and picked up her tricorder. "Now, on your back, and no huffing or sighing."

He complied, adding mentally For someone who has a blunt bedside manner, at least she is to the point, not simpering about my faults . Aloud he asked, "what am I in for this time? If I may so ask."

"Your overdue new-on-board physical, but I'll happily add in a rectal exam if you keep that tone," Nicole said, looking at the biobed's readings as she scanned him. She reached over to her instrument tray and picked up a sample vial, affixing it to her extractor and pressing it to his arm, pulling out a vial of blood. She swished it around and looked at it carefully before putting it down with the instruments and scanning him with her tricorder. "Any change in sinus pressure or headaches since coming on board?"

Varl shuddered involuntary, he detested seeing his blood outside his body. "No, I had my normal nausea when I come aboard but that is normal for me. I took the supplements I received from the last ship's doctor I served on. These go away after a few weeks." Varl looked uncomfortable before adding. "I am sorry Doctor, I know your doing your job, I've just been on edge lately and I took it out on you."

Nicole's brow frowned, ignoring his apology while she looked at her readings. "What did the doctor say the supplements were for, exactly?" She looked down his throat, felt his pulse and scanned him once more.

Varl offered no more protest to the examination but he muttered after the throat check " Bad stomach aboard new ships Doctor, I've had it since leaving home, goes away after a while. Its been explained to me as a natural body rhythm upset every time I sleep for a prolonged period near a warp capable ship."

"Then you should be nauseous every time you beam down to a planet," Nicole said. She didn't buy the explanation much and took another full scan. "I"ll want you back here in a week," she said. "I want to see how your systems react to being on board."

Varl nodded. "As you say Doctor."

"Love it when you agree with me," said said, dryly. "You can return to duty, Lieutenant." She turned, then paused and turned back. "And if you avoid me again, I'll go on the hunt." She turned her back on him and went to her office.


Nicole Anderson

Varl Tu'Shan
Infiltration Specialist


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