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Family Business Pt2

Posted on Sat Mar 14, 2020 @ 4:59pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson & Commander Cullen Walker

1,448 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Nibiru
Location: Sickbay

Walker walked into Sickbay carrying a padd. Normally, he would flirt with a nurse, but instead, he walked to Nicole's office and knocked on the outside. "Nicole, you got a minute." It wasn't really a question, more of a statement.

Nicole looked up from her terminal and raised an eyebrow. She was going to make a comment about being on a first name basis, but held back at the look on his face. "Have a seat," she said, darkening the windows and sealing her door. "What can I do for you?"

Walker stepped inside, he pushed the button to close the door, "My oldest son got into a fight. He was dating a girl. Her ex hit her. He lost his temper." He handed her the padd. "He's is at a lockdown facility awaiting charges. If the guy he fought dies, or is permanently crippled, I can't do anything without it looking like blatant abuse of power and authority." Walker would stretch a lot of lines, but he was running headfirst into his own honor code. "Tell me he didn't kill this kid."

Nicole sighed and looked over the reports and medical records he'd handed her. "He came very close," she said. Walker's son beat this guy to hell and back. "Part of it is going to be determined by how healthy the victim was and how well they've repaired the damage." She looked up at him. "It's not good, Cullen."

Walker put his fists on the desk. His knuckles popped. "He tried to do the right thing. Someone hit a woman, his woman. He had an emotional response. By the faith, he did the right thing. It takes years of experience before one can line up emotion with procedures."

"Preaching to the choir," Nicole said, dryly. "I've had plenty of struggles with impulse control, myself. The best we can hope for is that if everyone pulls through this encounter, they'll all be wiser for it."

Walker looked at her, "T'Mira suggested a doctor who works on field intel people. I only know him by reputation. He is one of the doctors, if you weren't available, I would want to see. Apparently, he is willing to consult." Walker seemed like he was willing to do a lot to save this kid's life, because saving this kid was saving his own kid. "Can you message them with your input?" It was obvious that he felt like he wasn't doing enough.

Nicole looked over the file again and sighed. "I'll offer a consult," she said, slowly. "However, there's only so much I can add to his post-op recovery. If his surgery went smoothly, there's hope." She watched his shoulders lower a bit at the reassurance. "Now, sit down, Cullen," she said, gesturing to a chair.

Walker sat down

"I'm not a counselor, by any stretch, but as someone who might have some insight into the subject, how long has your son had problems with rage?"

Walker looked at her, "His mother used to refer to him as a Berserker. In the faith, that isn't what it sounds like. Picture someone who is very calm, like Buddhist monk calm. They have a switch inside of themselves, they can call on great strength, anger, and a unique clarity. My parents say he is blatantly a Walker child."

"You said he did the right thing, because someone hit 'his woman,'" she said. "Putting aside the connotations of that statement, he didn't just hit back, he..." she picked up the padd again and recited, "--broke the man's skull in two places, gave him a concussion, cracked six ribs, punctured a lung, broke his legs, almost ruptured his spleen, caused severe internal bleeding, broke his leg, fractured his pelvis and would have caused permanent spinal damage but thankfully he was stopped by then." She put the padd down. "That is not revenge, that's not even vengeance. That's a loss of control. What that other man did is reprehensible, but what your son did is dangerous."

Walker looked at her, "Walkers don't spar or fight just anyone. You can attest to that. Our human blood is descended from a group of Eugenics who fought for normal humans and helped defeat Khan Noonien Singh. My son's mother is descended from a group of separatist Heathens who aimed to breed the Berserker Gene. I am mixed with Klingon and Vulcan blood. Prison will exacerbate that, turn him into an animal. We get very protective of our family, regardless of the nature of that family."

"So what would you say to a magistrate, then?" Nicole said. 'My son shouldn't be incarcerated for a major crime because we bred him to have no tolerance for it?' You know perfectly well that's not how the universe works. The price we pay for the pleasures of civilization is the conformity to its rules. Your son broke those rules. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend him or wish to protect him, but you can't simply excuse what he did because 'his switch flipped.'"

Walker looked at her, "We have the power to turn that switch off and on," he said. "The majority of corrections officers can't teach him that. It will make it worse. Many would try and trigger it. I can teach him in a year, if Starfleet and the Court will give me the opportunity." He thought about what he just said. Then he tried to relax himself with humor. "I know a doctor who would love to study these adrenal characteristics up close."

Nicole acknowledged the levity with a flick of an eyebrow, but didn't smile. "He's not getting out of this without repercussions, Cullen," she said. She sighed and looked at him, then an idea percolated. She immediately dismissed it, but then reconsidered. If there was anyone who could simultaneously punish, torture and educate someone....

"He's been arrested, I presume?" she said, leaning forward.

Walker looked at her. "Yes. They are looking at charging him with aggravated battery. If the kid dies, it will be worse." He stumbled over the word 'worse'.

Nicole rubbed her temple. "All right," she said. "Let's assume they don't throw the book at him just yet. Young, salvageable, kept out of trouble before this....sananik wuh kae-amp, tevalik khaf torvukh," she grumbled to herself. "Five years," she said finally, sitting back.

Walker looked at her, "Yeah. Worse still if the corrections officers bait him while he has been in there. My understanding is he has never had a fight outside of the dojo, nor a Sanctioned tournament. Well, other than with his siblings. You know sibling stuff, but they are like him and trained."

"I'm an only child," Nicole said dryly. She sat silent for a moment, then looked up. "What if I had an option that would have him pay his debt, but avoid your fear of incarceration?" Nicole said slowly.

Walker looked at her, his eyes rounded with emotion. "I would give an arm and a leg. If you have an option, please. Hell, I would bring him here and make him serve drinks to the senior staff."

Nicole actually felt a pang of sympathy. She wasn't sure if hugging him would be misinterpreted, but wanted to comfort him. "Give me a few hours," she said. "I can't promise anything, but I might be able to pull a favor or two."

Walker looked at her, "My wife didn't want our kids going to the Vulcan school. It wasn't really an option for them. My parents were Intel and security. I grew up striving for self control. It doesn't change that I watched my kids grow up in holopictures."

Nicole looked down, suddenly self-conscious. "My father didn't even have holos to see," she said quietly, then cleared her throat. "No matter. The past is the past. Right now we're more concerned with his future. I'll speak with you tomorrow about this, and let you know what the plan is."

Walker nodded, "There are a few Admirals who know what Walkers do for Starfleet. They know what he would be good at with some more life experience. Tomorrow then." He looked at her. "If your father is of value, he would be proud of who you are."

Nicole swallowed hard and gave a small smile. "Thank you," she said.

Walker stood up, "Thank you, Doctor. You have done a lot for my family today."

Nicole smiled and nodded. "Happy to help," she said. As Cullen left her office, she let out a breath and wondered how she was going to sell this. Finally, she pulled up her terminal and sent out a signal, hoping she wouldn't let Walker down.


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