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What is going on out there...

Posted on Wed Mar 11, 2020 @ 8:18pm by Admiral Harv Bennett

228 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Nibiru
Location: Earth, United Federation of Planets

Reading the report which had been delivered two hours earlier, Admiral Harv Bennett swore softly, but vehemently as he finished the last section and closed the file. Six dead. Four in the observation post, plus Commander Hill and his driver. Despite an extensive search of the area, there was nothing left behind to point to the identify of the killers.

The explosive used to destroy the outpost and it’s operators had been unusual, a chemical compound which had not yet been identified. That alone was quite worrisome.

With all of the power and talent employed by Section 31, they were no closer now to identifying who was behind the recent instances of industrial and economic sabotage against major Federation corporations responsible for providing everything from spare parts and components used aboard starships, to agricultural farms providing food for the millions of people who called Earth and it’s allies home. Forty-two civilian transport vessels carrying goods from Earth to various locations across the Federation had simply disappeared, as had ships contracted to carrying resupply stock intended for Starfleet ships stationed across the Alpha Quadrant. Including weapons.

To say this situation was of deep concern was an understatement.

More resources were needed, but the more they threw at this problem the more questions were posed, and the less information they had.

What the hell was going on out there?


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