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Summer's Eternal Sunshine (Backpost)

Posted on Fri Jul 3, 2020 @ 11:45pm by Lieutenant JG Sydney Friedman Jr & Senior Chief Petty Officer Samantha Summers

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Binary Suns
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: After Away Mission

SCPO Samantha Summers dreaded what was to happen, having her 'insides' investigated by the ship's shrink. Taking a deep breath, she paused slightly before pushing the button outside the counselor's office. "Well, in for a penny or a pound, as they say." She pushed the door button.

The doors opened and Sydney stood there, looking up at her newest guest. "Hello, I'm Doctor Friedman. Please, come in," she said, stepping aside and smiling.

Samantha slightly smiled and entered, then turned towards Sydney. "Well, Doctor, I'm guessing that I didn't read about you as much as I should have. My apologies for thinking that I took the name 'Sydney' the wrong way."

"How so?" Sydney said, gesturing to her couch and sitting at one end, crossing her legs.

Summers grinned and replied, "Well...I haven't met many female Sydneys 'til now." She approached the couch and sat down.

Sydney smiled. "Well, I'm not the only one, I'm sure," she said. "However, I may be the only Junior. My father wanted a son and was heart set on having a namesake. He had a girl." She shrugged. "He didn't think that should stop him. You have a rather nice name, yourself," she said. "Do you know the etymology of the name 'Samantha'?"

Samantha pondered the question for a moment. " Not really, I think Dad wanted a son as well, but after my birth and his counting fingers and stopping, he decided on ' Samantha.' My height hasn't been a boon for any solid relationships either."

"Those two statements don't seem connected," Sydney said. "Your name's perfectly serviceable for a relationship. It's possibly the female version of Samuel, yes, which means 'heard by God' and a suffix of anthos meaning flower. Neither of those are bad things to be described as. And as for height, there are plenty of tall women who enter into very fulfilling relationships. If you feel it's a hindrance, you're the first one making it that way."

Samantha grinned. I don't consider it an hindrance, " She sat back in her chair and continued. "When I arrived at Star Fleet Academy, I was welcomed by some 'gentleman,' that came up to me and gave me the ' once over' with his eyes, all the while he had an smirk' on his face. Finally, he came up close and poked me in my 'chest,' and said out loud, ' Say, if it begins to rain can I get under cover there?' I just looked at him and belted him one. It turned out he was an Upper Class man, and I had earned an 'enemy' for my duration of studies." Samantha looked over at Sydney, whom was writing these things down. "HEY, SYDNEY!" She shouted.

Sydney jumped, jarred from her thoughts, and a bit shocked by the sudden outburst. "So...first you say your height isn't a boon, but then it's not a hindrance, then you casually mention being sexually harassed, possibly assaulted at the academy, which continued through your time there. I'd hope you reported it, but it's not mentioned in your file. Seems a great many things aren't." She tried to compose herself. "What is you want out of life, Samantha? What is your goal?"

Samantha grinned. "It wasn't reported; the fellow didn't want it known that a 'girl' had decked him and put out his lights." She thought a moment. "Hmmm. Good question. Short answer: I want to serve Starfleet to the best of my ability, hopefully Command a ship someday, and retire to Earth to sit back at days end and watch the moon rise and shine."

"Sounds rather long term as well," Sydney said. "Why do you want to be in Starfleet?"

Summers looked pensive for a moment before answering. "I want to see the Galaxy...go where no one has gone before..see what's out there."

"Very recruitment poster," Sydney said. "What about exploration do you find satisfying?"

Summers shrugged a bit. "Everything, from the fact finding to discovery of new worlds. How about you?"

"I've read about other planets, but I haven't had much experience in visiting them," Sydney said. "I'm a bit scared of it, to be honest, but the best way to conquer a fear is to face it. So here I am. Is there something you hope to find as you explore?"

Samantha grinned. "No reason to be scared, if some Big Eyed Monster is going to come up from the ground and eat you, it'll happen." She then looked at the floor. "Searching in space is gets lonely. I'd like to find that one companion that doesn't have to look up at me to speak."

"There you are, going back to your height," Sydney said. "You can't hide behind that. If you want companionship, you have to go find it. And if you want someone your height, or taller, well, as I said, there are plenty of crewmen on board who qualify. But you can't show hesitation. Be friendly, and put yourself out there, and you'll find people respond."

Summers nodded in assent. "I'll take your advice. Know any interesting candidates? :

"I can't pick your friends for you, or dictate your companions," Sydney said. "But start with the people you work with. Engage in light conversation. Speak to others other than yourself. And as a wise man once said, 'fifty percent of talking is listening.' Don't just talk at them, ask them questions about themselves. Get to know them, and if they want to be friendly, they'll reciprocate."

Summers slightly smiled. "Sounds like a plan. I will, as one says, 'give it a go'."

"Good," Sydney said. "Come back in a week, and let's see how your outlook has been affected, and we'll continue on from there."

She stood and walked Summers to the door. "Enjoy being engaging," she said, smiling.


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