Created by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit on Sat Jul 9, 2011 @ 5:01pm
The Vidiians are a not less aggressive species than the Kazon, although they are far more intelligent and lay traps for passing by ships. Their territory gets smaller and smaller as their species is dying of a disease, which cannot be healed.
Once the Vidiians were a friendly species of scientist who explored the galaxy. But when they were infected by "the Phage" they turned to be a vicious people, which rob body parts of travelers to use them for their own purpose. As a consequence they improved their medical skills even beyond Federation standard. The Vidiian territory is next to the Kazons but they have only rare contact.
The Kazon fear the Vidiians for their raids for organs and the Vidians fear the Kazon's aggression. Both territories have more or less the same size.
The Vidiian territory is spread over several star systems and probably superior to the Kazon. They have many colonies beside their homeworld to live on.
In former times the Vidiians were explorers, scientist and artist but now they are primarily medics. Their medical technology and knowledge is far superior the knowledge of any other species including the Federation. They also tend to be good warriors as they often prepare ambushes to make ship raids for gaining new organs.
Vidiians are of approximately human size and weight. They look like an odd assembling of different skin parts and organs. However in their youth there are still Vidiians who look healthy. They have a bone plate on their forehead but otherwise look like a human. Dark hair is common.
Two thousand years ago the Vidiians were a very advanced and sophisticated species. But they were not only technologically advanced but also cultural. And then they were infected with the Phage. The Phage is an illness with destroys step by step all cells of the infected body. Although it does not do its harm from birth on, most Vidiians become ill already in childhood. Those are separated from the others and may not have contact with non-ill people.
To save their people the Vidiians concentrate primarily on medical research, hoping one day they will find a cure for their scourge. In the meantime they travel space in search for new organs. Although they prefer to take this organs from dead people they do not hesitate to rob living beings of their body parts in case of emergency. Society and culture of the Vidiians have suffered from these circumstances. Most races only know the Vidiians as aggressive monsters who hide behind stellar phenomena and then strike to get their prey.
Categories: Civilizations of the Delta Quadrant