Created by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit on Sat Jul 9, 2011 @ 4:59pm
The Kazon are an aggressive species in the center of the Delta Quadrant. Their territory is several light years wide and includes many systems. The Kazon are interested in new technology to support their invasions of minor races, although they attack themselves frequently.
This is the reason why one can hardly talk of the Kazon territory rather of several territories. Their society is subdivided into clans, which attack each other and battle for domination of their species.
The Kazon territory is around 70000 light years away from Federation Space.
Kazon tend to be slightly larger and heavier than the average human. The Kazons are humanoids with a bony forehead and some kind of massive hair.
Once a slave race the Kazon threw off their oppressors and took over their ships and technology. Due to their past and difficult living conditions they are very aggressive and unfriendly even among themselves. Survival and rule of the fittest is their essential moral. Their race is divided up into different sects that often fight each other for resources, domination or other minor reasons. Only on rare occasions do they work together and if it's the case then they plan to fight an even more potent enemy, which offers high rewards in case of victory. The tribal leaders, called Maje lead through intimidation of their subordinates and with the help of brutal force, killing those questioning their leadership.
There are eighteen sects, among them are the Nistrim, the Relora, the Oglamar, the Mostral and the Ogla.
Kazon children are raised by the whole tribe and do not wear names until they earn them. Earning a name means venturing on a quest with some serious challenge, which has to be faced and passed to gain a name. Death is the other alternative. Those who return without finishing their quest are outcasts and expelled from the tribe.
Kazon technology is far inferior to Federation one e.g. they do not know transporter technology. But crowded together they still can pose a major threat to any enemy.
It is not known where or even if the Kazon have one common homeworld. However the different sects have different planets they settle on, e.g. the Kazon-Nistrim settled on Ocampa.
Home Region or Sovereign Territory
The different sects have different sizes of territory, depending on their power. But as they often struggle and fight about it, it is difficult to set borders. Their whole area occupied by Kazon extends over several thousand lightyears.
Categories: Civilizations of the Delta Quadrant