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Still round the corner

Posted on Wed Feb 22, 2017 @ 2:50pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Silence
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Two days after leave the station

Nicole walked into the Security office, nodding to the staff on duty and pressed the chime on the door, her other hand gripping the handle of her black bag, flexing impatiently.

Ben looked up from the PADD he had been studying and slid it aside. "Come in," he called out.

Nicole walked in and placed her bag on his desk, opening it smartly. "Congratulations, Mister Gates," she said, "you are to be the recipient of an all-expenses-paid medical examination." She pulled her tricorder out of her bag and looked at him expectantly.

"Sorry," he said as he moved out from behind his desk, "I've been avoiding you. I'm sorry. But I'm charmed that you would make the time to make a house call. I'm all yours."

"And thank you for being so accommodating, now that you've wasted my time by having me come down here," Nicole said, matching his tone. She reached into her bag again and pulled out a hypospray. "Now, bend over and drop 'em."

"Seriously?" he asked. "I mean I'm certainly not shy, but I didn't think you gave shots in that location anymore. But, hey anything for a pretty lady."

Nicole wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "Nevermind," she said, "not as fun for me when you're accommodating about it." She took him by the arm and led him back to his chair, sitting him back down. "Anything not in the record I should be aware of?" she said, scanning him slowly.

"No," he replied his grin turning cheeky, "I'm perfectly normal. Cute, but normal."

"No self-diagnosis, please," Nicole said, giving him an injection with one hand and continuing to scan with the other. She reached into her bag and pulled out a sampler and an empty vial. She placed her tricorder on his desk and left it scanning while she inserted the vial and pressed the extractor to his arm. The vial quickly filled with blood and she removed it smoothly, giving it a shake and looking it over.

"So why are you avoiding Sickbay?" she said, looking at him like cat would a mouse.

"Well, I have been a little busy settling in. But you're here now. As to the self-diagnosis, are you referring to being normal, or cute?"

"Yes," Nicole said, dryly. "And 'a little busy' is hardly an excuse. We have twenty-four hours in our day, you could have found a half of one." She put the blood sample, as well as her tools back in her bag, and began feeling around his throat, looking in his eyes, down his mouth and feeling his pulse and listening to his body. "So far in decent health, but I'll still want you to have a complete scan in Sickbay when you're done with your shift."

"Yes ma'am," he responded, "you've not found anything wrong then?"

"Nothing physically," Nicole said, "and anything past that is left to Doctor Sanders." She smirked and packed her bag. "Thank you for managing to carve some time out of your day after all," she said, her British lilt simultaneously softening and adding to the sarcasm in her voice. "Good day, Mister Gates."

"Good day, Doctor," he said to her with a final smirk

A joint post by

Lieutenant Nicole Anderson
Chief Medical Officer


Staff Warrant Officer Benjamin Gates
Security Investigations Officer


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