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Of all the ships in the universe...

Posted on Tue Jul 26, 2011 @ 12:50am by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit

487 words; about a 2 minute read

Captain's Log, Stardate 49170.97

We're now 10 hours from reaching orbit at Ocampa and beginning a search and rescue operation to retrieve personnel kidnapped by the being calling himself the Caretaker. I only hope we're able to find them. Scans of this planet are not promising, if they're truly here as the Caretaker indicated, they must be underground, we're still not detecting life signs on the surface which matchs the missing.

The loss of Lt. Cmdr. Cain is particularly hard to contemplate. Jericho is a longtime friend, one who I trust completely, and who trusted in me. He wanted to get out of this assignment, retire..

Instead he's lost here in the Delta Quadrant along with the rest of us, a pawn of an alien being. Still counting on me to get him safely back to Federation space.

I don't want to let him down.

She sighed.

I don't want to let any of them down. My crew, or even the Maquis.

Chakotay - for all his bravado regarding his ship's abilities.. it's a 30 year old antique! That ship has only one chance of returning to the Alpha Quadrant and I'm sure both he and his crew know it.

The Caretaker's Array.

Somehow, we have to convice him to reconfigure the Array to send us home! I'm just not sure how to go about the convincing.. He seemed adamant that he could not help us, though I don't know why. It was clear that his Array is capable of doing so, he seemed to feel it wasn't going to be possible. That there wouldn't be enough time..

Is he planning to depart this region of the galaxy? Or is there some sort of time limit placed on being able to send us back?

So many questions in my head and I have no answers for any of them!

And .. Chakotay. Of all the so called 'commanders' in the Maquis..

Why him?

I thought I'd finally put that wound to rest. And now today, seeing him sitting there across from me. Hearing his voice..

Damn it.

The sooner we retrieve our crew and get back to the Array the better. I need to get us back to the Alpha Quadrant, turn the Maquis over to the authorities and move on.

I thought I'd finally forgotten him..

Boy was I wrong..

With a sign the Captain tapped a control and closed the log entry. She'd been on duty for almost 32 hours, and now .. with 10 hours to go before they reached orbit she had marked herself as off-duty and retired to her quarters for a few hours of sleep. She planned to be up and back on the bridge in 8 hours.. giving herself 2 hours to review the sensor data on Ocampa as Voyager made it's final orbital approach.

She was going to find her people.. and she needed a little sleep in order to be at her best..


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