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Early Morning

Posted on Sun Dec 1, 2013 @ 10:35pm by

614 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Whole New World, Part 2 - Durbatuluk
Timeline: 62538.286 {Wed, 05 Dec 2384 07:00}

Thomas stepped into the transporter room, sipping from a tall cup of black coffee. He nodded to the crewman currently at the console and quickly crossed the room to the replicator. Starfleet was fairly strict in regards to drinks near the transporter, and so was Thomas. The transporter, though very common for today, was known for its fair share of mishaps and accidents. It was a sheer miracle that Starfleet finally allowed replicators into the transporter room, but there was a strict 2-meter rule around it.

Had it not been for the extra watch he pulled on the bridge the night before, the coffee would not have been needed. Thomas took a final gulp from the coffee before placing it inside and instructing the computer to recycle it. "Good morning," he told the crewman. "How'd she do overnight?"

"Didn't use it at all," Crewman Espinosa replied. "Just finished a cleaning cycle on the pattern buffer and realignment of the focusing coils."

"Standard procedure at its finest." Tom stood next to the crewman at the console and looked at the read outs. "Well, I relieve you, Crewman."

"I stand relieved." Espinosa stepped away from the console, but didn't go far. She watched the Chief as he entered his authorizations to the console, allowing his preferred configuration to surface.

Thomas took a few moments before realizing that the crewman hadn't left. "What is it, Crewman?" He asked, looking up and already knowing the answer.

"Is it true?"

"There are many ways to answer that question," Tom replied, tongue-in-cheek. "All depends on your definition of 'it'..."

"They found new life on that ship, didn't they?"

Thomas sighed. He knew too well how quickly scuttlebutt distorted the truth and even fabricated truths. "That ship is as lifeless as derelicts come." Very few in the enlisted ranks truly knew what came aboard, and those that did were on the bridge or tucked away guarding the cargo bay. Until the crew knew more, it needed to stay that way. "And believe me," he said truthfully, "that's all we know. We're now sure where it came from, but what's our job out here anyway?"

"To seek out new life and new civilizations," replied the crewman, a hint of annoyance, primarily from having to repeat it over and over again at training camp, in her tone.

"And found a clue of a civilization we did. The first piece in a great mystery. As for life... Well... Only time will tell."

Thomas looked at Espinosa's downcast gaze and recognized her disappointment immediately. One could not have a sense of adventure and not serve in Starfleet, especially those not suited for an officer's pay grade. Officers get to have all the fun was the common misconception among the enlisted. Unless the klaxons sounded and the ship had to defend herself. On an average day, enlisted life was boring. Repairing this, maintaining that. It was a miracle for a lowly crewman to taste that adventure. As an NCO, Thomas had had his fill, and it was time to act as a true Chief of the Boat.

"I did say time would tell," he reminded the crewman. "There's life somewhere and you'll get the chance to see it soon."

Espinosa's face lit up. "Thank you, sir!"

"Now go grab some hot chow before the rest of crew beats you too it. I hear the galley did some fine work this morning." He smiled as she nodded and left, leaving Thomas alone in the transporter room. His gaze moved to the resting pad that shared the room with him. "Well," he said to the inanimate roommate, "let's do our start of shift diagnostics, shall we?"


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