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Doctor, Good Body

Posted on Thu Dec 25, 2014 @ 4:12pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: All this has happened before...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

After his meeting with the Captain, who he seemed to like so far, Chris was supposed to report for his medical exam, a standard procedure when any new officer came aboard a new ship. As he entered through the sickbay doors he noticed the state-of-the-art medical equipment the Victory's sickbay was equipped with. He looked around for Dr. Anderson and stood with his hands clasped together behind his back waiting for someone in one of the blue uniforms to approach him. Seconds later, a young woman came up to him.

"Can I help you?" she asked with a smile.

Chris nodded "I'm here for my physical with Dr. Anderson." The lady gestured toward a bio bed and Chris took a seat.

Nicole was reexamining her readings from the biosamples they'd taken on the alien ship. It was one of the bigger mysteries she'd encountered and shew was still trying to cross-reference it with anything in the medical database. She hardly noticed when a nurse appeared in her doorway and said, "Doctor?"

Nicole looked up and blinked, surprised. "Yes, Maggie, what is it?"

"A new crewman is here for his physical," she said. "I had him sit on biobed three."

"I'll be right out," Nicole said, setting the computer to continue its search.

"I can...take a few readings," Maggie said, smiling.

"That cute, eh?" Nicole said, looking out of her office window. "I think I can handle it Maggie, thank you." She stood up and picked up her black bag, stepping out of her office and coming around the biobed. "Good afternoon," she said. "Welcome to the Victory. My name is Nicole, but you can call me Doctor Anderson." She held out her hand before realizing her error and mentally kicked herself.

"Thank you," Christopher said with his southern accent being very heavy he shook her hand. "Nice to meat you Doctor Anderson I am Christopher Evans," he paused and smiled. "Ship's Chief Op's Officer."

"Nice to meet you," Nicole said, setting her bag down and picking up a tricorder. She flipped it open and began scanning him, her pale cheeks darkening slightly as he watched. "Just came on board?"

"Yes ma'am, that is correct." He paused. "I've had time to meet the CO, but that's about it." He watched her run the tricorder around his body. "I figured I'd come down here and get my physical knocked out and meet some of the medical staff."

"Well, mission accomplished," Nicole said. She put her tricorder down and pulled a small silver tube out of her bag. Twisting the top, she activated a small torch and shined it at him. "Say 'ahh'," she said.

Chris smiled and then opened his mouth and said "ahh" as instructed. He wasn't quite sure if he should keep it completely professional or try and make small talk.

She looked at his throat, then felt along his neck. She quickly shined the light in his eyes, watched the reaction, then placed it back in her bag. "Any complaints I should be aware of?" she said.

"No ma'am," he said shaking his head "I think I'm in pretty good shape." He was in good shape.

"No self-diagnosis, please," she said, smirking. She felt his biceps, then looked him up and down. "But, I can't say I disagree."

He smiled his big country boy smile and then looked back at her. "Thanks, Doc."

"No, thank you," she said, her cheeks flushing again as she stepped back to let him jump to his feet. "Have fun on the bridge. Don't let the helmswoman wind you up."

He winked at the CMO and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Dismissed," Nicole said, she and Maggie watching him leave. She smiled to herself and flipped her tricorder, catching it.


Dr. Nicole Anderson

Lt. Christopher Evans


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