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Doctor, Doctor

Posted on Fri Jan 2, 2015 @ 10:33pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson

1,038 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: All this has happened before...
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Early Afternoon

Having checked in with the Captain and stowing his gear, Aidan took a quick shower and decided, he might as well go to Sickbay and get his physical out of the way. He'd heard that some Starfleet officers, especially those that had been around awhile, were jaded and often tried to avoid, or at least delay their physicals and their counseling evaluations. That made no sense to him. True, he was wide-eyed and this was all pretty much new to him, but at the same time he knew that avoiding something didn't make it go away.

Besides, he was in good shape physically and mentally, so what did he have to be afraid of?"

He glanced at himself in the mirror making sure his uniform was fresh and crisp and he looked his best.

Meiyo stood in front of the door blocking it. If Alpha was going somewhere then it was her job to go with him and she was reminding him of that in the only way she knew how.

"No, girl," she heard him say, "You have stay here, they don't let dogs in Sickbay. Now, go lay down." She hesitated for the briefest of moments. Then reluctantly, her tail definitely not wagging, she went inside her kennel and lay down.

Shaking his head at her stubbornness, Aidan left his quarters and made his way to Sick Bay. As the doors swished open, he stepped inside, looking around.

"Whoever you are, biobed three," Nicole said, spotting the newcomer and snapping her fingers at him. She gestured over to a biobed across the room, then turned her attention back to the engineering crewman she was scanning.

Aidan's left brow quirked up slightly. The woman wearing the teal uniform and clearly in charge, looked and acted differently than he expected. He started to say something, but thought better of it an moved to the biobed she had indicated, leaping rather nimbly up on top of it, where he sat patiently waiting for her to finish.

Nicole pressed a hypo against the crewman's neck and sighed, scanning again. "All right, he's stable for the moment," she said, nodding to her nurse. "Watch him closely and let me know if anything changes."

The nurse nodded as he set the biobed's alerts and took her place next to the patient. Nicole smoothed out her uniform and came around the biobed to Aidan's position. "Sorry about that," she said. "Had an emergency to deal with. Occupational hazard." She looked up at him and gave him a perfunctory smile. "What can I do for your, Mister....?"

"Mejia, Aidan Mejia," he replied, the smile he gave her in return a bit more than perfunctory, "and I understand. Sh... stuff happens. I'm just here for my boarding physical." Part of him wanted to say something about her appearance, but that would have been rude so he didn't do so. "I can come back if this is inconvenient."

"It's all right," she said, picking up her tricorder. She pointed it at him, and it beeped feebly. "Bollocks," she said. "Tricorder!" she shouted. She closed hers and whipped it across the room to a medtech who caught it and lobbed another back to her. She caught it, flipped it open and began scanning him from head to toe. "I haven't had a chance to look over your file yet. Anything I should keep an eye out for?"

"Not really," came the reply as he processed what had happened with the tricorder, "a scar on my left femur from a hover-board accident, and I broke my collar bone in in a Parrises Squares game about six months ago, but it should be healing nicely."

"Healed. Past tense," she said, scanning him again. "So what do you do on board?"

"I am the diplomatic officer, but I make a mean sushi too. So, when I'm not trying to keep the peace among the Bajorans and Cardassians, I can feed them."

Nicole felt his throat and looked in his eyes and ears. "Interesting. What's 'sushi'?"

"You've never had Sushi?" he asked, "Well, Sushi is cooked, vinegared rice and seafood, usually raw, but sometimes cooked. Sometimes its formed into a roll of some type as well. It is quite tasty. You could come over and I could fix some for you sometime, you know, a regular dinner kind of thing."

Nicole couldn't help but make a face. "Vinegar, rice and raw fish? Doesn't sound terribly appetizing, to be honest. I prefer red meat to fish overall, no offense."

"No offense taken," Aidan said, "but don't knock it till you've tried it. Nothing wrong with red meat. I also make a pretty decent burrito."

Nicole shrugged. "I'm not sure what that is either." She gave him an apologetic smile. "They're both Earth dishes, then?"

"They are," he commented, and if you like spicy food, you can't beat them. So would you like to come over sometime and let me cook for you?"

Nicole blinked, a bit nonplussed. She opened her mouth to object, but Cassandra's voice echoed in the back of her mind and she cleared her throat and nodded. "That would be nice, thank you," she said. It had been a while since she'd had a social calendar. She'd have to ask Cassandra how to juggle.

"Great," Aidan said,"give me a few days to settle in and I'll set it up. Maybe tentatively this Friday, if that would work out for you."

"I...yes, that would be fine," she said. "I'll see you then."

"Great," he replied genuinely pleased, "It's a date then. How does my body check out? Am I fit for duty? Or are you done examining me?"

"Both," Nicole said, gesturing for him to stand back up. "Thank you for being prompt. I'll see you Friday then," she said, still stunned.

"You're welcome and let's make it, say 1830 or so, unless something changes. In which case I will either swing by, or send a note to your PAdD. You'll get to meet my Meiyo, my dog. Do you like dogs?"

"I don't know, I haven't eaten that either," Nicole said. "See you then, then."

A Joint Post

Nicole Anderson
USS Victory

Aidan Mejia
USS Victory


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