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Fancy Seeing You Here

Posted on Wed Jul 1, 2020 @ 11:28pm by Lieutenant Nicole Anderson & Major Victor Crowe

981 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Binary Suns
Location: Sickbay

"Nothing's filed until I've approved it," Nicole said as she and Maggie came around a corner.

"Yes, Doctor," Maggie said, seriously.

"I want all reports on a padd on my desk within the hour, and remind everyone this is quiet until I file everything."

"Yes, Doctor," Maggie repeated.

"And finally, make sure they-awwww shit," Nicole said, stopping flat-footed as she saw who had walked into the waiting room. She paused and ran a hand through her hair, then saw Maggie looking at her. "Right, off you pop," she said, grabbing the girl by the shoulders, spinning her around and shoving her back down the corridor.

She squared her shoulders, smoothed her uniform, and walked up into his line of sight. "Major," she said, trying to sound casual but professional. "How can I be of service?" she immediately kicked herself for her choice of words, but held her ground.

Vic repressed the sudden urge to smirk and regarded Nicole with a friendly, but neutral gaze. "Doctor Anderson, it's nice to see you again! As for the service part, I just need to get a few scars on my back removed."

Nciole's brow furrowed. "Scars? Let me see." She pulled him to an empty exam room and gestured for him to sit on the biobed. "Remove your shirt and let's see what we're dealing with," she said, her fingers gently probing his throat and looking at his eyes. "So," she said, trying to strike up a conversation, "where were you?

Vic sat down and tolerated being probed gently by the doctor again, noting the lighter touch and began to remove his uniform tunic. "Where was I? Hmmmmm, let me see, where in the Gamma quadrant was I? Oh yeah, Commander Holbridge and I got tapped for a top-secret mission. I can't tell you the particulars seeing as how it's all classified, but I can tell you that the wounds an my back and legs are relatively fresh and require a few more rounds of treatment, according to Dr. Selgeby on Starbase Idran.

Nicole did her best not to noticeably roll her eyes. One man's classified... she thought to herself, making a mental note to peek through his file later. "You were stationed on Idran?" she said as she scanned him slowly. "I thought that would be a relatively quiet sector, given its proximity to the wormhole."

"No, that's where I woke up. Commander Holbridge successfully escaped the area and brought a rescue force to the prison planet I was being held on." Vic turned his back to Nicole so she could see the crisscross scarring from the particle lash. Several of the scars were markedly livid and looked to have been recently debrided. "They don't hurt as long as I self-administer my painkillers."

"Câlisse," Nicole swore, rushing for the doorway. "Maggie! Prep bay one!" she shouted from the doorway. A faint, "yes, Doctor!' echoed back. "Need a cart in here!" Nicole shouted and another "yes, doctor!" came back. Nicole returned to Victor's side and helped him off the biobed and back onto his feet. "Hold still, we're going to carefully walk you to the surgical bay," she said. She grabbed a hypospray from the instrument tray, programmed it and injected him quickly, then switched medications and injected him again.

As the antigrav gurney appeared with an orderly behind it, Nicole helped Victor off the biobed, trying to keep his back immobile and onto his stomach on the gurney. "Get on, don't argue," she growled.

Vic looked at Nicole as if she had grown two heads. "Hey, easy peasy, lemon squeezy! Ijust have some scars on my back, not a rutting Horta!" he objected, but his protests fell on deaf ears.

As the orderly wheeled him out, she followed, Maggie coming from the other direction and spinning around to match their pace.

"Multiple lacerations from a laser whip, some open, some scarred, torn muscle and bruised spinal column. Also watch for a concussion. Going to need full dermal tray as well as cortical monitor."

Concussion Vic blinked. "Hey, doc, I have been out of that place for nearly six weeks, I don't have a fucking concussion!"

"You will after I'm done with you," Nicole snarled. "The hell were you thinking? You should have come here immediately. I'll have this so-called 'Doctor' Selgeby hanged for his lack of care."

"Doc Selgeby was in prison with me and kept all of us from getting some very nasty fungal infections!" Vic shot back. "If it wasn't for him, none of us would'a made it one day! He's the one who figured out how to grow grains in that slimy cesspool they housed us in. Doc's skills as a herbologist kept Rontoy and Mifk from dying at the hands of...well, never mind."

Nicole sighed. "One of these days, we'll have to discuss my sec--wait so you've been walking around like this since you got out?" Nicole said as they rushed into the surgical bay.

"Yeah, the whole time."

"On three," Maggie said, nodding to the two male nurses holding the transfer slip. "One. Two. Three!"

The men lifted and pulled Victor up off the gurney and slid him onto the surgical bed like bread off a peel. They moved the gurney out of th way as Nicole and Maggie stood on either side of him. "I swear, you are the most thick-skulled, stubborn--"

"That's part of my charm, doc," Vic smiled as he winced, his pain meds having worn off on the planet surface,

Her expression softened. "Just lie still while I unpatch your patch up," she said. She nodded to Maggie to begin handing her the the laser scalpel and the dermasealer, and surveyed the task ahead.

"Doc.....Nicole, you don't have to do this...." Vic began, only to pass out as a hypospray dosed him with anesthetic.


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