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Resilient a Mortuis

Posted on Thu Dec 23, 2021 @ 10:44pm by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit
Edited on on Fri Dec 24, 2021 @ 10:28am

305 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: We Will Take Care of You
Location: USS Victory

The moment the door to her Ready Room slid closed behind Cmdr. Logan, Captain Kennit turned and snatched the PaDD he’d given her from where it had landed on her desk and read the data it contained. Impossible. Impossible that a survivor from the Dark Victory had been found and she had heard nothing of it. Found alone on a planetary surface. Naked. Suffering from amnesia. For eight years?!

If anything, reading through the orders assigning him to her ship and the personnel file only furthered the seething anger which had ignited an intense and powerful emotion that ran deep through her.

With a slow, deliberate motion she activated a secure communications channel to the office of Vice Admiral Harv Bennett at Starfleet Command. Heavily encrypted, the message was brief. Reporting back to him, the arrival on her ship of a man who had been declared dead eight years ago. A member of the ship’s crew of the USS Dark Victory, lost with all hands.

All hands but one.

Every instinct in her was screaming. Attaching a copy of the data which Logan had presented her, she reported back to the one person still alive who she knew, deep down in her core could be trusted. As much as she hated the man.. Rhea knew this information was something which Admiral Bennett needed to have. Something wasn’t right.

At this distance from Earth, Rhea knew the message would take nearly two days to reach it’s intended recipient. He’d need time to review the information she’d given, and then two days for a response to return.

She would wait. For now.

Logan was lying. She was sure of it. Why he was lying, who he was trying to protect she had no idea. But she was going to find out.


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