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Taking a hint

Posted on Sat Sep 9, 2023 @ 11:19am by Lieutenant Commander Zachary Addams

926 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Lost Endeavour
Location: Zach's Quarters

Zachary Addams, personal log, supplemental.

I'm pretty sure the universe is trying to tell me something.

I spent the rest of the day kicking myself for not arguing harder with Penny about our discussion at lunch. Why are we worried about something like that at this point? There's a million ways we could resolve it. And thus began a vicious cycle of doubting myself, her reasons, her intentions, and the involvement of certain...other individuals.

That would be bad enough if I hadn't run into her later that day in the officer's lounge. And the next morning on the bridge. And later that day after a staff briefing. And the next day bumping into her in the corridor. And then sharing a turbolift.

You made your point, Universe. Message received.

She's the first person in a long time I've felt some kind of chemistry with, and the fact that my governor hasn't kicked in to spoil it is, to me, a strong indication that I really should look into this more. So, I'm going to talk to her. I hope I'm not doing something grotesquely stupid.

End log.

Zach walked to Penny's quarters, stopped in front of the door, straightened his uniform and pressed the chime on the panel and waited. And waited. And waited. He pressed the chime again, then sighed as he realized he should've checked if she was even in her quarters before he dropped by.

He hit himself in the forehead for his idiocy and made the walk back to his quarters. As he stepped off the turbolift and came around the curve in the corridor, he saw a familiar figure leaning against the bulkhead next to his quarters. "What are you doing here?" he said.

"Same thing you were," Penny said. "Coming to my quarters to talk."

"How did you know I was at your quarters?" Zach said.

"When I got to your quarters, you didn't answer, so I checked with the computer where you were," Penny said.

"Grand, rub it in," Zach muttered.

Penny tilted her head but before she could ask, Zach triggered the door. "Come on in," he said, stepping inside. "Make yourself comfortable."

Penny walked in behind him. The beach scene was gone, and log cabin had replaced it. She sat down in a comfortable-looking armchair in front of a fireplace. "So...what did you want to talk about?" she said.

Zach sat in a matching armchair next to her, facing the fireplace as well. "Ladies first," he said.

"I'm feeling doubts. I don't know if I made the right decision," Penny said.

"How so?" Zach said.

"I assumed that having children was important to you, because of how I have heard...others discuss it," she said.

Zach had suspicions who the 'other' was, but he tamped that down and kept focused. "I won't lie, Penny. Having a family is something I've thought about. However, that doesn't mean I'm not open to other ways of having one. And I think...maybe in discussing this, we got a bit ahead of ourselves."

Penny tilted her head, thinking back to her conversation with Sydney. "You mean it's too soon?"

"I mean...we're barely into knowing each other. So far, we've learned a bit about our respective backgrounds, and that you're a really good kisser." He grinned as she blushed. "And while there are a few other issues that are going to complicate this, if we're willing to give up just from the idea of difficulties in the relationship, then we definitely aren't cut out for this."

Penny nodded in thought. "So where do we go from here?"

"I have no idea," Zach said, smiling.

Penny looked up at him and smiled back, then her brows knit. " didn't answer: why were you coming to see me?"

Now it was Zach's turn to blush self-consciously. "I was thinking...I haven't really clicked with anyone this well, and I wasn't ready to just toss it aside over what-ifs and maybes."

Penny smiled brightly. "So we're in sync after all."

Zach smiled as well. "On that issue, yes. So let's take things slowly and see how they develop, and see if any other complications continue to get in the way."

Penny nodded. "Deal," she said, jumping back to her feet.

Zach stood up as well and was surprised when she dove in and hugged him. He instinctively hugged her back and found himself relaxing immediately. He hadn't realized how tense he'd been until that moment. He still felt anxious, but at least he felt he was moving in the right direction.

"I wish I could stay longer," Penny said, "but I have bridge duty soon."

"I understand," Zach said, letting her go and taking a step back. "What's tonight's song?"

Penny's eyes got wide and she blushed hard. "How did you know--"

"That you make them sing sea shanties?" Zach said, laughing. "Someone from Delta shift mentioned it when they stopped by Sickbay."

"It's just...something to liven the mood. Not a lot happens during Delta shift, if we're lucky."

"Well, let's keep being lucky," Zach said. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How about I drop in on you tomorrow and we plan something together?"

"Sounds great," Penny said, giving him a kiss back, then waving as she skipped out of his quarters.

Zach felt the knot return to his stomach the moment she left, but he ignored it. He had been willing to take a risk with her once, what's once more?


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