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Posted on Thu Aug 15, 2013 @ 9:43pm by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit & Lieutenant AJ Taggart

1,640 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Whole New World: Part 1 - Precipice
Location: USS Victory
Timeline: Stardate 62502.629 [22NOV84], 0700


===Runabout USS Hammersley===

Leaning back in the copilot's seat of the runabout, AJ Taggart watched the sleek and sharp frame of a Prometheus Class ship come into view out of the port. AJ marveled at how the hull glinted in the darkness and the nacelles glowed a bright blue. He had heard stories about this class, about how it wasn't just looks but a ship of pure speed and defensive power. AJ recalled the combat specifications of the ship: 18 Type 12 phaser arrays, four forward torpedo launchers, and the ship's crown jewel capability- Multi Vector Assault Mode. The ship could literally turn into three, turning the tables of any tactical situation. The young officer actually envied the Tactical Officers that had the privilege of using the guns aboard.

Pulling himself out of his train of thought, AJ gazed at his reflection in the runabout's forward viewport and reminded himself that he would no longer be residing on the front lines but in the war of information. Reaching up, he felt the two circular pips on his black collar- a stark reminder that he was a part of a completely new world. A world of rank and privilege- he would have enlisted crewmen answering to him and he would their careers and their lives in his hands.

AJ was abruptly brought out of his mental retreat by the voice of the runabout's pilot.

=A= Victory Flight Control, this is Hammersley requesting approach vector and landing clearance. =A=

===USS Victory A===

Maz looked over to the Captain, "Captain, incoming hail from the Hammersley. They are requesting docking clearance. Bay 2 is available to receive them per your command."

"Granted," Kennit answered. "Open up the shuttle bay doors and guide them in.."

=^= USS Hammersley, this is flight control. We have you ready to dock on docking bay 2. Control will let you know when your in tractor lock. Welcome home.=^=

==== Runabout USS Hammersley====

AJ looked down at the console and watched the pilot's fingers moved across the control console.

+I appreciate that, Victory. Hammersley crossing into your airspace for a hands-off approach. You have the ball.+

Looking down at the deck, AJ could hear the runabout's engines begin to hum as the runabout began a powered down momentum powered glide. A few long seconds later, Taggart felt the landing footpads engage with a thump and jets of steam release from the vessel's exhaust ports. AJ rose from the chair, giving the pilot a tap on the shoulder as thanks. Taking his duffle bag in hand, he jumped down from the runabout and onto the hardened tritanium deck, which was shining bright in the stark white lights of the shuttlebay. Looking around, AJ saw a member of the crew that was significantly younger than himself- about 19 by the looks of him. Upon closer inspection, AJ noticed that he had one chevron on his yellow collar- the insignia of a Petty Officer Third Class.

Tapping the Petty Officer on the shoulder, AJ felt his entire body go tense as he turned around. "Why the hell are you-" the Petty Officer abruptly stopped speaking and his face went pale. AJ remembered when he was a junior enlisted man- energetic and eager to please but he had never been that rude to an officer, lest he risk a court martial.

Trying to keep his frustration levels down, AJ simply took a deep breath and looked at the Petty Officer, who was now standing at attention, his eyes trained on the bulkhead behind him.

AJ put down his duffel bag next to the enlisted man- he was about to have some fun with this one.

"What's your name and rank, smart guy?" AJ asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Boatswain's Mate Third Class Webb,sir!"

AJ shook his head and decided to take a different mode. "How long have you been in Starfleet, Bo'sun Webb?"

"About four years-"

AJ held up his hand forcefully. "Wrong answer! I'll ask again, how long have you been in Starfleet?"

"Sir! “All me bloomin’ life, sir! Me mother was Astraea, me father was Apollo. I was born in a red dwarf and rocked in the cradle of the sun. Darkness and Vacuum are me clothes. Every tooth in me head is a moon rock ; the hair on me head is duranium. Every bone in me body is a spar, and when I spits, I spit stars! I’se hard, I is, I am, I are!”

AJ smiled slightly, he remembered his 'boot camp' days well and the hours spent reciting that very phrase until the Recruit Division Commanders were satisfied with their level of volume. His division had gone a few days without meals until every single person could get it right.

"Now, Bo'sun Webb. Why did you decide that you wanted to mouth off to an officer?"

Webb remained silent. Instead of becoming angry, AJ decided to take pity on the man. He bent in so that he was inches from Webb's face.

"Listen to me, Bo'sun. I used to be just like you. A young hotshot who thought that he knew what he was doing. Then I got these-" AJ paused and pointed to his two golden pips. "so I'll say this- quit mouthing off to officers and you might become one. Now, carry on. I'll be seeing you, Bo'sun Webb." AJ said ominously. Picking up his bag, he quickly strode out of the harshly lit hangar bar and into the carpeted hallway.

====15 Minutes Later, USS Victory Bridge====

Stepping out of the turbolift, AJ made his way onto the stark white bridge. Looking around, AJ noted the strange layout. The Captain of the ship had a chair on a raised platform that overlooked the rest of the bridge. Placing the heavy bag down in the entrance to the lift, AJ stepped forward to the front of the woman seated in the command chair. Assuming the position of attention, AJ began his reporting statement.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant AJ Taggart reporting as ordered."

The Captain's attention had been on a data padd held in one hand, as he arrived she pressed her thumb to the scan port and signed off whatever it was she'd been working on then set the device down as the screen went dark. Looking up to see the newest member of her crew, she replied "Did you bring a copy of your orders for me Lieutenant?"

AJ's hand snapped outward with a PADD containing his assignment orders. "Yes, ma'am." AJ didn't relax but he allowed his eyes to wander surreptitiously to the Captain. She was strikingly beautiful with auburn hair and intense eyes. Trying to keep his eyes up, AJ's gaze wavered slightly down to the form of the senior officer in front of him.

Accepting the PADD from him with one hand, she tapped the device with one finger and then took her time reading over the information it contained. Finally, she looked up at him. "I knew we'd get a new Intel Officer after Lt. Cmdr. Deveraux was called away for another assignment, but I wasn't expecting his replacement to arrive so quickly. If only everything Starfleet did was as well organized and prompt."

"How much information were you given about the Victory and it's operational mission?" Kennit asked.

AJ thought for a moment. "Absolutely none, ma'am. I received my orders immediately following my commissioning. Much of the Victory's mission files are locked against me. It appears that I have insufficient clearance."

"Well that I can do something about.." the Captain answered. Rising from her seat she indicated for him to follow her with a jerk of her head towards the Ready Room. Once there, she walked to her desk while motioning for him to have a seat. Accessing the computer, she said "Computer, access personnel records for Lieutenant AJ Taggart, authorization Tango 7 9 Victor, command voice recognition protocol."

"Command voice recognition protocol confirmed, Captain R. Katrijn Kennit confirmed. Authorization code accepted." the computer responded.

"Note change in personnel, remove Lt. Commander Valen Deveraux from U.S.S. Victory personnel manifest and delete his authorization codes." Kennit said.

After a moment, the computer responded, "Verification required. Please confirm removal of Lt. Commander Valen Deveraux from personnel manifest and deletion of all relevant authorization codes."

"Confirmed, authorization Kennit Alpha-9-9-8." the Captain answered.

"Voice authorization confirmed. Command complete." the computer responded.

"Authorize Lt. AJ Taggart as Chief Intelligence Officer, U.S.S. Victory and grant command staff clearance level alpha-bravo-7." the Captain then said.

"Verification required. Please confirm, authorization of Lt. AJ Taggart, Chief Intelligence Officer, command staff clearance level alpha-bravo-7."

"Confirmed," the Captain said again. "Authorization Kennit Alpha-9-9-8."

"Voice authorization confirmed. Command complete, awaiting new authorization codes for Lt. AJ Taggart, Chief Intelligence Officer."

The Captain looked at him, nodding with a slight motion of her head for him to enter his own command codes.

AJ didn't hesitate. "Authorization Taggart Sigma-1-1-7. Confirm."

The computer responded quickly. "Authorization Completed."

AJ relaxed slightly. "Ma'am, request permission to take my station?" he inquired

The Captain cocked her head slightly to one side as she looked at him, "You don't want to go check out your new quarters first? Make certain your personal gear has all arrived aboard before we depart?"

"Ma'am, the duty day has barely even started. If it makes no difference to you, I'd rather head straight to work." AJ replied

She gave a short nod of her head, "Well if that's your preference then feel free..if you find you have need of anything, just let me know and I'll do what I can to take care of it."

AJ nodded at the senior officer. "Yes, ma'am. He said enthusiastically before he took his bag in hand and walked off of the bridge. He had things to do and he didn't want to waste time.


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