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Dumb and Dumber Return

Posted on Wed Apr 22, 2020 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Commander James Holbridge & Major Victor Crowe
Edited on on Sat Apr 25, 2020 @ 1:47pm

621 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Nibiru


The airlock hissed open and two disheveled, unshaven, and mean-looking humans walked quickly into the airlock, backpacks and phaser rifles slung across their back. A security officer attempted to wave them over to the checkpoint and was quickly rebuffed by the dark-haired human’s scowl in his direction. The two men walked silently towards the turbolift, oblivious of the stares cast their way. The doors opened and the men entered, allowing the doors to hiss shut.

“I don’t know about you, Vic, but I’m tired of doing the dirty work for these assholes! Deployed downrange for weeks at a time to take out a target with more private security than a pharaoh in the tomb!” the sandy-haired human groused. “I’m sick of this shit!”

“Roger that, Jim.” Vic sighed in agreement as he tabbed the comm-panel. “Deck 21, transient officer quarters.”

Ever since the pair of officers had been unceremoniously plucked from the USS Victory for a top-secret task force thrown together by the late Admiral Shepard, neither man had been able to settle in one place for long. Jim sighed and closed his eyes. “Buddy, I’m here to tell you, I’m about sick of these long-range deployments.” Jim turned to face Vic. “You heard anything from Captain Kennitt?”

“She sent me a message a few weeks ago telling me I could come back to the ship when I wanted to. I can even bring you as a plus-one!” Vic grinned.
“Why the hell didn’t you say something, asshole?” Jim punched his friend playfully on the shoulder. “We coulda been sitting on cushions instead of hemorrhoid-crushing rocks sniping Jem’Hadar and Vorta.”

Vic nodded, remembering their mission in the Gamma Quadrant to locate and destroy a secret Jem’Hadar processing/breeding facility. Jim had quietly infiltrated the facility and planted explosives when he tripped an alarm. Vic immediately came to his friend’s rescue by remote piloting the gunabout to Jim’s location and blasting him an exit through the duranium wall. The pair were chased for nearly thirty hours before the pursuers gave up and retreated; their exit hastened by the presence of the USS Ark Royal and two flights of Starfleet fighters.

The turbolift stopped and opened, allowing both men to disembark. Jim led the way to their spacious, adjoining quarters and entered, followed closely by Vic. Jim threw his gear on his bunk and made a beeline for the shower. Vic went over to the desk and tabbed the control. “Computer, play messages,”

=/\=There is one new message from Captain Kennitt. =/\= the computer announced.


=/\= Are you guys coming or what? The ship is located in orbit around planet Teccapus. I’m downloading the clearance codes you’ll need to locate the ship. when you secure transport. Kennitt out=/\=

Vic nodded and saved the message. Leaning back in his chair he decided that it was time to go back to being a Marine, and Captain Kennitt was a pretty good CO. He was glad to know that the ship was still in one piece, as Starfleet ships took a pounding in the Delta Quadrant. He picked up a padd and tapped out a resignation from the covert task force and sent a copy to Jim to sign.

Holbridge looked at Vic. "She still wants us?"

"Must be a glutton for punishment. Let's get some food and rest, then we'll head out on forty-eight hours." Vic rose from the seat and went into his room to shower.

Jim went over to the data terminal and logged in. After a brief glance, Jim nodded and smiled. Time to make the donuts! he smiled.


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